Within the Ralph C. & Isabella M. 谢尔顿中心是与科学相关的项目, technology, engineering, and mathematics and the arts, humanities, and health sciences divisions. 它还设有物理和计算机实验室, music facilities, 管理信息系统和机构研究部门, Robert Lee Scharmann Theatre, Weeks Gallery, 和萨里塔·霍普金斯周接待厅.
凯瑟琳·杰克逊·卡纳汉中心设有刑事司法和公共安全项目以及计算机实验室, conference rooms, and training facilities.
Features of the John D. 汉密尔顿大学中心是学生会, Campus Bookstore, Counseling and Career Center, Global Learning office, Applied Learning office, cafeteria, health center, art studios, box office, 网赌信誉排名网站和宿舍生活办公室, 还有建筑和地面部. The student records, admissions, financial aid, marketing, 商务办公室也设在大楼内, 还有JCC的行政办公室和JCC基金会的办公室.
Hillside Suites, JCC’s three residence halls, 是有四间还是五间单人卧室的套房.
Hultquist图书馆大楼是商业和社会科学部门的所在地, Learning Commons (library, 学习中心及无障碍服务办公室), student lounges, Help Desk, computer labs, conference rooms, distance learning facilities, Lenna Teleconference Theatre, 以及劳动力发展办公室和教室.
制造技术研究所是JCC和南方制造商协会的合作伙伴关系. MTI通过实际制造技术培训和技术援助提供服务. Mechanical technology, machine tool technology, and welding technology courses, 以及非学分定制培训项目, are taught in the facility. 劳动力发展部也设在那里.
体育综合大楼由一个体育馆组成, swimming and diving pools, racquetball court, running track, weight room, Life Fitness Center, and locker facilities. 体育馆也用于特殊的观众活动,最多可容纳2000人. JCC和罗杰·托里·彼得森自然历史研究所, 是在柯蒂斯街吗, 合作提供教育和文化机会.
科学中心容纳JCC的科学项目. 该设施具有节能和可持续的元素,旨在强调资源节约, habitat restoration, and social responsibility.
用于大学课程的其他区域设施包括罗素E. Diethrick Jr. 公园和大学公园和生物站,通常被称为100英亩的地段. 一些市政和私人设施, which include public schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and social service agencies, 为JCC学生提供校外学习体验.